Code of Ethics
At MindShift Mentors, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct in the fields of Clinical Hypnosis, Strategic Psychotherapy and Strategic Hypnotherapy. This Code of Ethics serves as a guiding framework for practitioners, ensuring all the MindShift Mentors services are delivered with integrity, professionalism, and respect for client well-being. Upholding ethical practices fosters trust and confidence, creating a safe and effective environment for personal growth and transformation.
The purpose of this Code is to define clear ethical principles that govern the conduct of all our strategic hypnotherapists, coaches, and affiliate partners. It establishes professional responsibilities, safeguards client rights, and emphasizes continuous professional development. As practitioners of Strategic Hypnotherapy, we recognize our duty to act in the best interests of clients while preserving the credibility of the profession.
This Code of Ethics applies to all therapist practicing under the MindShift Mentors brand. Practitioners are expected to adhere to these ethical standards in all professional interactions. By upholding these ethical principles, we ensure the highest level of care for our clients and maintain excellence in all services we provide.
Purpose and Scope
This Code of Ethics applies to all practitioners, coaches, and affiliates of MindShift Mentors Strategic Hypnotherapy. It sets ethical guidelines for conducting hypnotherapy and coaching sessions, emphasizing professionalism and client welfare.
Fundamental Principles
The ethical principles outlined here establish the foundation for best practices in Strategic Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy practitioners must operate within a framework that prioritizes client well-being, professional integrity, and ethical decision-making. These principles provide guidance in making sound clinical judgments and ensure that practitioners uphold the credibility and effectiveness of Strategic Hypnotherapy.
The fundamental principles of this code are:
- Working towards the good of clients and doing no harm (Beneficence and Non-maleficence) Practitioners prioritize client welfare and commit to avoiding harm in all aspects of their practice. Sessions must be conducted in a manner that supports client growth, healing, and transformation.
- Being trustworthy and responsible (Fidelity) Establishing and maintaining trust with clients is essential. Practitioners must act with professionalism, honesty, and ethical responsibility, ensuring that they uphold confidentiality and respect in every interaction.
- Respect for the dignity and rights of the client (Autonomy) Clients have the right to make informed decisions about their therapy. Practitioners must respect and support client autonomy, providing clear and accurate information to help them make empowered choices about their treatment.
- Justice Fairness and impartiality are central to hypnotherapy practice. Practitioners must recognize and eliminate biases, ensuring equal and respectful treatment of all clients, regardless of race, gender, belief, social background, or abilities.
- Integrity and self-responsibility Practitioners are expected to be honest, transparent, and accountable in their professional conduct. Maintaining personal well-being is also a priority, ensuring that practitioners can offer competent and ethical care within their scope of expertise.
Clients have the right to self-determination and informed decision-making. Practitioners must provide all necessary information to help clients make informed choices about their therapy. Services should be delivered impartially, without discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, or disability. Fair and equal treatment of all clients is essential. Practitioners must demonstrate honesty, truthfulness, and accuracy in their professional interactions. Taking responsibility for personal well-being ensures the ability to practice effectively.
Fitness to Practice
Practitioners must be mentally and physically fit to practice hypnotherapy. Any impairments affecting professional judgment should be disclosed to the Ethics Committee. Seeking appropriate support or temporary suspension when necessary helps ensure the protection of client welfare.
Offering a Service
All Practitioners undertake to:
- Provide services only in areas where they have received appropriate training and possess the necessary competence.
- Ensure that the environment in which hypnotherapy sessions take place is suitable, respects client privacy, and meets professional standards.
- Discuss with clients the realistic expectations and limitations of the service being offered.
- Clearly inform clients about the confidentiality of their sessions, including any legal limitations requiring disclosure.
- Respect a client’s autonomy in deciding whether to begin or continue therapy.
- Present evidence of valid professional indemnity insurance upon request.
- Obtain and maintain appropriate background checks if working with minors or vulnerable adults, and provide proof of certification when required.
- Fully explain service fees, payment terms, and any potential charges for missed or canceled appointments before commencing sessions.
- Establish clear, written agreements with clients that outline terms and conditions without restricting their statutory rights.
- Ensure all promotional materials and advertisements comply with industry regulations, including advertising standards and consumer protection laws.
- Avoid using misleading professional titles that could create false impressions regarding their qualifications or expertise.
- Inform clients about the MindShift Mentors Code of Ethics and how they can access it when therapy begins or resumes.
- Make clients aware of independent mediation options for dispute resolution and their right to file complaints under the established grievance procedures. Transparency in service offerings, pricing, and expectations is essential. No false claims or exaggerated promises about therapy outcomes should be made.
Delivery of Service
Hypnotherapy sessions must be conducted professionally, safely, and confidentially. The practice should promote personal growth and well-being. Practitioners must not conduct sessions under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any altered state.
Advertising, Display of Credentials, and Use of Specific Titles
All Practitioners undertake to:
- Ensure that all advertising, no matter in what form or medium it is placed, represents a truthful, honest, and accurate picture of themselves, their skill base, qualifications, and facilities. Any claims for the successful outcome of treatments shall be based upon verifiable, fully documented evidence.
- Ensure that all advertising complies with relevant advertising standards and regulatory requirements. All promotional materials must be available for review upon request.
- Display only valid qualifications and certificates issued in respect of relevant training courses and events or certificates of registration, validation, or accreditation as issued or awarded by relevant professional bodies.
- Refrain from advertising any pending accreditation, approval, or membership grade until such accreditation or membership is actually granted.
- Ensure that an academic doctorate cannot be confused by clients with a medical qualification unless the practitioner possesses such medical credentials.
- Follow advertising guidance for therapists when using specific titles to avoid misleading clients regarding their professional status and expertise. Advertising must be honest, clear, and not misleading. Testimonials must be genuine and should not be manipulated to create false impressions.
Confidentiality, Maintenance of Records, and Recording of Sessions
All Practitioners undertake to:
- Preserve client confidentiality at all times, except in cases where legal obligations require disclosure, such as safeguarding concerns or court orders.
- Ensure that client records, whether physical or digital, are securely stored and accessible only when necessary. Digital records must comply with data protection regulations and be securely encrypted or password-protected.
- Keep manual records in a locked location when not in use, and ensure electronic records are safeguarded with proper access controls.
- Follow best practices for the transportation of client files, ensuring that physical documents are stored in a secure, locked container and that digital files are protected against unauthorized access.
- Maintain comprehensive case notes, including client history, session details, progress tracking, and any referrals or significant interventions made during therapy.
- Obtain written consent from clients, or legal guardians where applicable, before recording sessions in any format. Any use of case details for training, supervision, or academic purposes must be anonymized unless explicit consent is granted.
- Inform clients if any surveillance or recording equipment is in use and acquire their permission before proceeding with sessions that may be recorded.
- Advise clients that anonymized case studies may be utilized for educational or supervisory purposes, with the option to opt out of such uses if they prefer.
By adhering to these principles, practitioners ensure the protection of client privacy, maintain compliance with data protection laws, and uphold ethical standards in managing confidential information. Records must be securely stored and accessed only when necessary. Sessions may only be recorded with prior written consent from the client.
Continuing Professional Development
All Practitioners undertake to:
- Continuously develop and enhance their skills to maintain professional competence in alignment with their field.
- Engage in a diverse Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program that meets current professional standards and requirements.
- Ensure that CPD activities contribute to improving their practice and providing better service to clients by staying updated with relevant advancements.
- Fulfill CPD obligations within the specified timeframe, keeping theoretical and practical knowledge current while also adhering to any new professional or legal requirements.
- Participate in a variety of CPD activities that support both technical expertise and professional development.
- Establish formal one-on-one supervision with a qualified professional appropriate to their experience and client base. Additionally, group or peer supervision may be considered depending on experience level and the nature of the client group. Participation in peer supervision is encouraged to uphold ethical practice. Regular training ensures professionals stay updated with advancements in strategic hypnotherapy.
Treatment of Minors and Those Classified as Persons with Special Needs or Vulnerabilities
All Practitioners undertake to:
- Determine when the presence of an additional person is necessary during assessments or treatment, ensuring appropriate arrangements are made. For clients under 16, another responsible individual must always be present, such as a parent or guardian. This may also be required for adults at risk.
- Monitor communication methods when working with minors or vulnerable clients. Relying solely on text messages or emails is not sufficient; direct communication, such as phone calls or face-to-face discussions, is necessary for urgent matters.
- Offer proactive follow-ups on advice or recommendations given to clients, including medical referrals or additional interventions when necessary. Parents, guardians, or appropriate professionals must be informed if there is any risk of harm.
- Follow escalation procedures required for contracted work, ensuring that concerns about a client’s well-being are appropriately reported to parents, guardians, or other relevant professionals when working in private practice.
- Continuously seek specialized knowledge and training in working with children and vulnerable individuals to enhance competence and ethical practice.
- Obtain supervision from a qualified professional with expertise in working with minors and individuals with special needs. Supervision frequency should align with experience level and client group requirements.
- Maintain detailed and accurate records for minor and vulnerable clients, including significant events, referrals, escalation actions, and follow-up measures. These records must be securely stored and available for review if required by regulatory bodies. Additional safeguards must be provided for clients with special needs or vulnerabilities. Practitioners should ensure they have the appropriate training to work ethically and safely with such clients.
General Conduct
All Practitioners undertake to:
- Conduct themselves professionally at all times to maintain public confidence in hypnotherapy and avoid actions that could bring the profession into disrepute.
- Cooperate fully with the Society’s complaints process, providing requested evidence and attending hearings as necessary.
- Avoid publicly criticizing or obstructing other professionals unless concerns relate to public safety, in which case appropriate complaint procedures should be followed.
- Show respect for other medical and healthcare professionals and acknowledge the scope of their expertise and professional boundaries.
- Maintain clear and professional communication with clients, refraining from using shorthand or abbreviations in written and digital interactions, including emails, texts, and social media messaging services. Discrimination, harassment, or unethical behavior is strictly prohibited. Practitioners should uphold a professional appearance and demeanor at all times.
Research Ethics
All Practitioners undertake to:
- Ensure that all research involving clients or trainees adheres to the ethical standards outlined in this Code of Ethics.
- Guarantee that participation in research is entirely voluntary, with no coercion or undue influence, and that compensation is not used as an incentive to take risks beyond those encountered in everyday life.
- Obtain informed consent from participants before beginning any research, particularly when minors or vulnerable individuals are involved. In longitudinal studies, consent should be reaffirmed periodically.
- Make participants aware from the outset that consent does not waive their right to withdraw from the study at any stage.
- Maintain complete transparency regarding the purpose, methodology, and nature of the research.
- Consider and mitigate any potential risks or negative consequences to participants and provide guidance on where to seek support if needed.
- Take responsibility for informing participants if, during the research process, any previously unknown conditions or concerns about their well-being arise, and advise them accordingly.
- Ensure that appropriate follow-up care or support is available for participants in cases where research involvement may have unforeseen adverse effects.
- Prioritize the privacy, dignity, and psychological well-being of participants over research objectives, ensuring confidentiality and ethical research practices. Misleading or deceptive research methods should be avoided. Client anonymity and confidentiality must be preserved in published research.
Training Ethics
All Practitioners and Practices undertake to:
- Ensure that any training provided meets commonly accepted standards, with tutors who are appropriately qualified to teach the subject matter.
- Clearly communicate whether the training offered leads to professional registered status as a hypnotherapist or is intended as specialist further training or continuing professional development.
- Provide accurate and transparent information about any accreditation or approval associated with their training courses.
- Avoid advertising pending accreditation, approval, or membership status until officially granted.
- Deliver only training courses that are their own intellectual property unless operating under a written license from the copyright holder, avoiding plagiarism at all times.
- Refrain from participating in or endorsing any training that does not adhere to these ethical training standards, whether as an instructor, promoter, or examiner.
- Educate students on the importance of professional accreditation programs as a benchmark for ethical and safe practice, advising them to join an accredited register where appropriate. Training should align with professional standards, and no misleading claims should be made regarding certifications or abilities.
Ethical Expectations for Non-Registered Practitioners
Non-registered practitioners affiliated with MindShift Mentors must adhere to this Code of Ethics. Violations may result in termination of their association with MindShift Mentors.
Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement
Any unethical behavior must be reported to the MindShift Mentors Ethics Committee. Investigations will be conducted impartially, ensuring due process. Violations may lead to warnings, suspensions, or permanent bans, depending on the severity of the breach.
Amendments and Revisions
This Code of Ethics is subject to periodic review and updates. Practitioners are responsible for staying informed about any changes. MindShift Mentors reserves the right to modify these ethical standards as needed to reflect evolving best practices in hypnotherapy.
The Use of Special Titles in Strategic Hypnotherapy
Strategic Hypnotherapy aims to provide ethical, professional, and high-standard services to all clients. The use of titles such as “Dr.”, “Reverend”, or “Professor” within this practice must adhere to legal and ethical guidelines to prevent misrepresentation and uphold the integrity of the profession.
Use of the Title “Dr.” The title “Dr.” may only be used by:
- Licensed medical practitioners.
- Holders of doctorate-level degrees (e.g., PhD, D.Phil) from accredited institutions, whether local or foreign.
The title must not be used in a way that misleads clients into believing that the therapist is a licensed medical doctor unless they are.
Use of the Title “Reverend” The title “Reverend” may only be used if the hypnotherapy services are provided in a religious or spiritual context, and its origin must be fully explained when requested.
Use of the Title “Professor” The title “Professor” may only be used if the therapist holds a Chair from a recognized university or an equivalent institution and if the title is relevant to the practice of hypnotherapy.
Ethical Considerations for Special Titles
- Medical Misdirection – Any implication that the hypnotherapist is a licensed medical doctor when they are not is unethical and potentially illegal.
- Misdirection by Relevance – A hypnotherapist using a doctorate that is unrelated to hypnotherapy must make it clear that their title is not medically or therapeutically relevant.
- Misdirection by Quality – If a doctorate is honorary, life-experience-based, or from an unaccredited institution, it must not be presented in a way that implies it meets established academic or medical standards.
Failure to comply with these standards can lead to professional consequences, including loss of accreditation.
Advertising Guidance
- Short-form advertisements (business cards, social media profiles, etc.) must include the clarification “non-medical doctor” if a doctorate is mentioned.
- Long-form advertisements (websites, brochures, etc.) must clearly state the nature of the doctorate, e.g., “Doctorate in Cognitive Psychology – Non-Medical.”
- During consultations, therapists must explicitly inform clients that they are not medical doctors.
Ethical Practice in Strategic Hypnotherapy
Strategic Hypnotherapy follows an evidence-based approach, ensuring that therapy aligns with best practices and ethical guidelines.
Prohibited Practices:
- Conversion Therapy: Any form of therapy aimed at changing or suppressing sexual orientation or gender identity is strictly unethical and not supported by scientific evidence.
- Unsubstantiated Claims: Hypnotherapists must not claim to cure or treat medical conditions unless they are licensed medical practitioners.
- Client Vulnerability Exploitation: Practitioners must ensure that their methods are transparent, ethical, and free from coercion.
Professional Conduct and Social Media Use
Strategic Hypnotherapists are expected to maintain professional conduct, including when using digital communication platforms.
Best Practices for Online Communication:
- Maintain professional accounts separate from personal accounts.
- Ensure confidentiality when communicating with clients online.
- Avoid engaging in hypnotherapy sessions through unsecured messaging platforms.
- Do not provide therapy through open forums or public social media groups.
Remote Hypnotherapy Guidelines
With the advancement of digital platforms, Strategic Hypnotherapy practitioners must ensure that remote sessions are conducted safely and ethically.
Guidelines for Online Hypnotherapy:
- Assess a client’s suitability for online therapy.
- Ensure the client has a private and confidential environment for sessions.
- Have emergency contact procedures in place in case of disruptions.
- Use secure, GDPR-compliant platforms for therapy sessions.
- Ensure professional liability insurance covers remote hypnotherapy sessions.
By adhering to these guidelines, Strategic Hypnotherapy ensures ethical, safe, and effective practices for all clients.
Date: 1st January 2025